Wild Dough

Introducing Australia’s own Wild Dough kids’ play dough One mum’s frustration with rolling her daughter’s Play Doh turned out to be a blessing in disguise. That blessing is Australia’s very own Wild Dough. Super soft, velvety smooth, and available in a range of gorgeous jewel-toned colours and sets, this unique...

Introducing Australia’s own Wild Dough kids’ play dough

One mum’s frustration with rolling her daughter’s Play Doh turned out to be a blessing in disguise. That blessing is Australia’s very own Wild Dough.

Super soft, velvety smooth, and available in a range of gorgeous jewel-toned colours and sets, this unique putty has one major advantage over the normal stuff - it doesn’t dry out. With a shelf life of six months, (or more, depending on how well you care for them) the tubs lead to months of endless imaginative play, alone or with friends.

With 290 grams in each P.E.T jar, you get plenty of bang for your buck. Bought as individual tubs or as stunning rainbow palettes, little ones get to immerse themselves in an entire world of sensory colour and imagination. Not bad for a homegrown product stirred up in the kitchen!

Wild Dough play dough is gentle on little hands

Wondering what exactly drove Mel to create her own Play Doh alternative? It was a matter of hand strength.

Standard dough has a tendency to dry out when left outside of its tub - and let’s face it, that happens often. The drier the putty, the more difficult it is for little ones to shape it into balls, snakes, and other shapes. Sadly, there’s no way to revive it back to its original state.

Wild Dough’s greatest advantage is that, even if it’s left out of the tub for a little while, it can be reused. All it takes is a decent kneading, plus a few drops of water (if you really need it). The non-toxic kitchen-made mass immediately returns to its soft, velvety smooth texture, which kids can easily manipulate with hands that are still developing fine motor skills.

Most kids can even safely ingest the dough (though we don’t condone it). It’s quite literally made from flour, water, salt, and a few other ingredients you’d have lying around, qualifying it as one of our all-rounder sensory toys. No essential oils to worry about, either!

These goodies also make for great presents, particularly if you go for the rainbow palette. Like Honeysticks toys, food-grade colouring and cosmetic pigments are what gives them their vibrant colours - and they don’t leave a trace behind.

How to keep your Wild Dough fresh during warmer months

With the right care, these fun sensory toys last for six months or longer. In fact, the more it’s used, the better this putty gets!

Be sure to knead often, then put it back into a well-sealed jar, then store in a cool dark place. Additionally, try to avoid direct sunlight for too long, as it may warp the colours slightly. A good knead will usually restore them back to normal, ready to be used again.

If any signs of drying appear, simply add a few drops of water, knead well, and enjoy the softness. That’s all you need to ensure little ones play their day away!